Using Science and Art to deepen Children`s
understanding of Marine Organisms and ecosystems

Project: AKMA 2 – OceanSenses 2022
Exploring deep sea environments with a focus on science and education for children.
AKMA – Advancing Knowlege of Methane in the Arctic, UiY University Tromsø, Norway

What are foraminifera?
Foraminifera are tiny, single-celled organisms that live in all of our planet`s oceans. They are the most abundant single-celled organisms in the marine environment and, despite their small size, they are absolutely essential for understanding the evo-lution of life and ecosystems in Earth. They react very sens-itively to physical and chemical environmental changes and
are therefore ideal indicators for scientists to reconstruct the climate history of our Earth.

In collaboration with micropaleontology researchers, I created the two characters Nina Floaty & Berry Ground which are based one two foraminifera species living in the Arctic Ocean:
a) Neogloboquadrina pachyderma and
b) Melonis barleeanus. 

Through their stories, Nina & Berry and friends will give
children a deeper knowledge of our planet and make us think about why understanding foraminifera might be important for more symbiotic ways of living together in this changing world.

a) Neogloboquadrina pachyderma

b) Melonis barleeanus

Nina Floaty  &  Berry Ground

Character Development of Nina & Berry and friends

Nina Floaty is based on the foaminifera species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, which is a planktonic  foraminifera that floats in the ocean.

Berry Ground is based on the foraminifera species Melonis barleeanus, which is a benthic species that lives in or on the seafloor.

Foraminifera Friends

based on a foraminifera species called:

based on a foraminifera species called:
Botellina labyrinthica

based on a foraminifera species called:
Globigerinoides ruber

Reo & Phax
based on a foraminifera species called:


The first two Pixie Books of the series 
`Foraminitales from the Ocean´ are available now here:
The stories that Nina & Berry take us through, are based on scientific facts and help toddlers understand something about the deep sea and its wonderful creatures. These books aimed at children age 5-8 yrs.

Additionally, we’ve developed a book for younger
children, age 12-17 yrs, called ´Little Creatures from the Sea´  
which is available here:
This is a fantastic book for exploring the fascinating facts about foraminifera. From their discovery and lifestyle to how scientists today use them to unlock valuable information about our wonderful planet earth. The book is currently available in english, italian and soon other

website & Instagram Account

This website is designed for kids, teachers, and parents, offering a wealth of knowledge, engaging activities, and exciting projects around Nina & Berry and foraminifera

Follow Nina & Berry on:

Stickers & Animations


This Activity Box is designed to be sent to schools all over the world. With the contents of this box, teachers can incorporate
the activities into their lessons and teach children about foraminifera.

In this box you’ll find for eks. sediment and foraminifera from the deep sea, a paper microscope, modelling clay and instructions to sculpture Nina & Berry, Foraminifera Song, Pixiebooks, Stickers and some other activities. 

We recorded a Foraminifera Boogie, written on board of the research vessel RV Kronprins Haakon in May 2022 on the AKMA2
Ocean Senses Cruise, which was later performed by children from the Tromsø International School SFO/TAPP in Norway. 

There are two karaoke versions available on Youtube. One with vocals and one with just a Banjo playing, so that kids can
sing and learn the song.


13 May 2022


on the Norwegian Researchvessel
RV Prins Haakon around Svalbard

23-28 April 2023


at the European Geoscientist Union in Vienna