Exploring ecosystems worldwide

Exploring Ecosystems worldwide A journey from the desert to the frozen Arctic, where kids learn how plants and animals adapt to their environments and the importance of protecting our planet’s diverse ecosystems. _______________________ Author & Publisher:...

Anne Frank – Children`s book

The Secret Annexe Low-level phonetic reading book aboutthe story Anne Frank _______________________ Author & Publisher: Jill Atkins, Ransom Publishing  ...


Using Science and Art to deepen Children`sunderstanding of Marine Organisms and ecosystems Project: AKMA 2 – OceanSenses 2022Exploring deep sea environments with a focus on science and education for children. AKMA – Advancing Knowlege of Methane in the Arctic,...

Bodhi`s Button

Bodhi`s Button Story about Bodhi, a little boy with Tami-Rubinstein-Syndrom, whoselife is a little different then others but this never stopped him fromsmiling and having fun. ________________________ Author & Publisher: Chad & Stephenie...

Creatures from the sea

Little Creaturesfrom the sea Foraminifera are a life form of the deep sea and are difficult to see with the naked eye. They react very sensitively to physical and chemical environmental changes and are therefore ideal indicators for scientists to reconstruct the...